I was first introduced to meditation when training with Master Bong C. Kim at the Beverly Hills Martial Arts Center in 1992. The meditation was called Dahnhak Sun In Do. He clarified it was a blend of Chinese and Korean meditation lineage. Master Kim explained to us that this meditation was developed to increase one's internal energy. As a competitor he utilized this extra internal energy to give himself an advantage when in competition. I was unaware at that time when training with Master Bong C. Kim, that he was an accomplished world champion in Tae Kwon Do. He was known as a child prodigy in the martial arts community while growing up in Seoul Korea. In 1992 he was one of two masters allowed to teach this meditation in the United States. I was one of a few students that took this class after the martial arts classes were finished on Thursday evenings. Two of the women in the class started sharing that they were feeling energies and I thought to myself “what am I doing differently” because I wasn’t feeling a thing. I am now aware that it was a matter of how much time and dedication you put towards the practice, to reap the benefits from it.
Then one Thursday evening Master Kim brought out a slide projector screen and an old super 8 film projector and showed us some extraordinary footage. The people being healed were seated and appeared to be in a hypnotized state and the healer was standing behind them. As the healer moved their arms, the person in the chair would move their arms exactly in the same direction and pace. The person in the chair had their eyes closed, and it appeared that there was some form of magnetism or something that was unexplainable to my personal understanding at that time. It was obvious to me that none of this footage was altered in any way. After watching this film I decided that someday I was going to somehow find a teacher(s) to learn a form of energy healing. I have Master Bong C. Kim to thank for inspiring me to seek out my purpose in life as an energy healer.
In 2012, I had the good fortune of meeting Dr. Mao Shing Ni as my acupuncturist when my health was bottoming out due to intense stress. He suggested I practice the first of 5 meditations from the disk set he created “Meditations to Live to be 100”. The first day I chose to do all five meditations starting in early June. In three months time I only missed five days. My friends who hadn’t worked with me in 2 months (since work was slow that summer) told me in August, “whatever your doing, don't stop” because it's changing you in a very good way. They noticed I was much more calm and wasn’t as stressed as I was in early June. The 5 meditations totaled 1 hour 15 minutes in duration, which I have since practiced over 2000 times. I then began to take classes with Dr. Mao in cooking and Self Healing QiGong and eventually started taking a workshop series with him that spanned over a year. That is the class that where I met Chris Shelton. Later I also took Eight Treasures QiGong classes with Dr. Mao, a moving meditation style handed down through the Ni family lineage of 74 generations. I recently learned one of Dr. Mao's ancestors was the personal physician to the Emperor in China in 1476.
I was then introduced to the “Integral Way” which is the Taoist understanding of being one with nature and the universe and understanding that nature is never in a hurry. Leading one to become one with the universe, Mother Earth and all of humanity. After practicing Infinichi Energy Healing remotely for four years I have developed the ability to connect to the energies of what Dr Mao’s father describes as the “Cosmic Qi”. Omni, as he is known as, is currently 108 and still practicing Tai Chi dailey and continues to script more books. The Ni family of Omni, Dr Dao, Dr Mao have published over 100 books in English including some on the Best Seller’s list.
I recently completed my studies with Chris Shelton and became a Certified Curative QiGong Energy Healer. A short time ago I realized my “why” is to help heal those closest to me and others that are interested in an alternative approach to balanced emotional health. The other day I began teaching my son Bryce stretching and the “warm up” exercise I learned from Master Bong C. Kim before Bryce was born. It happens to be the exact same “warm up” (AKA Foundation Practice) exercise that I've learned from Dr. Mao. I'm also back to practicing Yoga and Tae Kwon Do as well. My current aspiration is to learn all I can in the next cultivation program with Dr Mao Shing Ni and Peter Stege, which I'm starting in August which spans 36 years.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) encompasses aspects of what is known as the 5 Element Theory as well as Yin Yang Theory in the approach to bring balance and harmony back to one’s body. This combined approach aids one’s body to be able to naturally heal itself. The focus of TCM is to treat the root of the problem, not the branch / symptom. The primary goal of TCM is to utilize this ancient wisdom to harness Success, Health and Happiness. Maintaining a healthy diet, practicing QiGong and using mindfulness meditation are the building blocks to achieving a balanced mindset and increased mental clarity. QiGong is a practice that is simple with profound results. This being a practice that releases negative energy blockages and emotions and replaces them with beneficial and restorative properties to all aspects of the Body, Mind and Spirit.
With today’s advent of being immersed by technology on our mobile devices, we are influenced daily by social media and web browsing. Becoming grounded, combined with stress reduction has now become front and center to maintaining one’s harmony nature and mankind. This aids in maintaining an emotional balance resulting low cortisol levels. When stress is present, your cortisol levels are increased and that chemical energy negatively affects the liver and all internal organs. Stress, known as the “silent killer” contributes to the disfunction of our entire body down to the cellular level. This eventually can lead to dis-ease.
Aligned with modern science, TCM observes the similarities of an Atom to a Human Cell to our Solar System and the Multi Universe. All function with a nucleus surrounded with energetic properties of the protons and electrons that encircle the nucleus.
Nature is our teacher.