Eric Larson
I’m a Minnesota boy who grew up in the “frozen north” 100 miles south of the Canadian border. My home town is noted as the birth place of Bob Dylan.
In 2012, I was diagnosed by Dr. Mao Shing Ni with a severe case of Systemic Candidiasis. He is the 74th generation of Taoist masters within the Ni family tradition. I was evaluated as a 9.5 on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the worst case scenario. Systemic Candidiasis causes severe memory loss, digestive imbalance along with several other debilitating physical symptoms. I followed Dr Mao’s advice to the “T” to allow my body to heal itself, attending acupuncture appointments weekly and being prescribed custom herbal formulae for 10 months straight. To add to the challenging healing journey, I also had a triple staff infection known as a Carbuncle on my right hip which was half an inch thick and the diameter of a golf ball. Dr. Mao attributed the cause of the Carbuncle, being the result of my immune system breakdown. This condition was caused by the emotional stress I was enduring. The Carbuncle took 10 months to heal.
Dr. Mao continued to work with me twice a month for 15 months and after 2 years of a diligent process of changing my diet and detoxing daily, I finally reached balance & harmony. I became very familiar with the Herxheimer’s effect during that 2 year uphill battle. Dr. Mao has stated “I’m his best patient” since I do exactly what he advises me to do. It was no easy task to beat a condition that Western Medicine doctors advised me that “there is no cure”.
5 months after achieving a balance of Candida and beneficial bacteria in my gut, I discovered I required oral surgery and chose to create an anti-inflammatory smoothie to aid in my recovery of inflammation from the surgery. The smoothie was very effective in reducing inflammation, but backfired on me since it contained pineapple, a source of sugar. The Candida once again made itself apparent as a new variant and I was back to square one all over again…! ! After 2.5 months of following a strict diet and detoxing daily, I successfully brought the Candida back into balance again.
I relate the process to climbing up a mountain, stepping on a loose rock and sliding down a couple thousand feet to then start all over again towards reaching the summit.
I am currently in balance and harmony and have maintained a strict diet since. With this personal experience, I can relate to the struggle many of us share, having to maintain balance with one’s personal health and emotions. Since studying Traditional Chinese Medicine theory since 2012, I have found I can help guide my clients down a path to building their confidence, and rejuvenate both their constitution and immune system. Thus resulting in a positive outlook on life and maintaining a balanced demeanor with healthy relationships.
I’ve learned through diligence, commitment and personal experience that the goal is develop one’s own harmony in “body, mind and spirit.” I consider myself a work in progress, and a student for life.
I welcome you to join me in the process to better understand yourself and your body, with the end goal of creating more refined self awareness to personally guide yourself in becoming your own healer. I am a “Certified Infinichi Life Coach” with Dr Mao Shing Ni and Phillip Christman through the “College of Tao” in Los Angeles, CA
For inquiries, please contact me at: